Register, Voice and Genre: Learning from History - A Masterclass with Writer in Residence Natasha Pulley

Saturday, 27 February - 10am

Think you know nothing about Latin, Greek or Germanic etymologies? Well, think again.

In this masterclass, writer Natasha Pulley (The Watchmaker of Filigree Street) will lead the group through a series of exercises to reveal the unfamiliar linguistic history that underpins some of the most familiar novels. Where does the language of science fiction novels come from? Why do Victorian novels sound so, well, Victorian? What happens when writers mix it all up?

Voice and register are key tools for any writer. Ideal for those finding their writing voice, or stuck in a character rut, Natasha’s class turns literary expectations upside down. Come prepared to write!

Tickets are priced at £35 for the day which includes lunch and tea / coffee.

To book your ticket, please call 01244 532350 or email [email protected].

Read the New York Times' review of The Watchmaker of Filigree Street here.

Natasha is interviewed by The Skinny here.