Building a Sustainably Creative Life

‘It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.’
- Albert Einstein

Michael Nobbs believes that the secret to creative success and a happier life is to pick one simple thing to focus on, something he calls ‘Important Work’, and then to stick with it through life’s inevitable ups and downs.

Over the course of the weekend Michael will share some of the techniques he’s learnt over the last two decades that have helped him build a creative life and career by focusing on what’s truly important. Explore the concept of ‘Important Work’ and start to unearth where to focus your time and energy in order to build your own sustainably creative life.

Michael Nobbs is an artist, podcaster and tea-drinker. At the end of the 1990s he was diagnosed with ME/CFS, a chronic illness that severely limits how much he can do each day. Over the years he’s learnt a lot about living the best life he possibly can by accepting what he can’t change and working with what he can.

Michael is author of Drawing Your Life and publishes an illustrated journal of his own life called The Beany. He runs Sustainably Creative, a company that encourages people to live gentle and creative lives, and records the One Thing Today podcast four days a week.

To view the full programme, please click here.

Read an interview with Michael about the course here.

Residential prices start from £215, non-residential from £150. Discount rates for clergy and students apply.

For more information or to book, please call 01244 532350 or email [email protected].