A Masterclass with Sarah Watling

Sunday 22nd May from 10am to 3pm

Distilling a mass of research into a single book
; a masterclass with Sarah Watling.

So you’ve found a subject, and you’ve enjoyed (or are enjoying) the research journey. But the pile of papers is growing, and you’re mindful of space. How exactly is that teetering pile, full of odd threads and bits, going to become a single book with a compelling narrative? Join Sarah Watling for this day masterclass in learning how to order and schedule research, consider structure and narrative pacing and how to organise material. You’ll also cover how to find a balance between different protagonists as well as shifts in tone, setting, and time frame. A must for any fiction or non-fiction writer. 

Sarah Watling was the 2016 winner of the Tony Lothian Prize and a 2020 Silvers Grant recipient. She holds degrees from the University of Cambridge and the University of London. Her biography of the four Olivier sisters, Noble Savages, was published in 2019. It has been translated into Dutch and is forthcoming in German. Her next book, about the Spanish Civil War, is forthcoming from Jonathan Cape and Knopf. 


Tickets are £60. Click here to order

All masterclass attendees are entitled to a two-course lunch with hot drink. 

Please note that tickets for this event are e-tickets. Book online and have your ticket emailed directly to you – there is no need to print out an e-ticket for a digital event. 

From 2021 you will have the option to save your tickets in your Gladstone Bag! For more information see here.

A print and collect service is available to those without access to email facilities for a small charge to cover our admin costs. Call 01244 532350 or email [email protected] for more information. Printed tickets will be available to collect from Reception before the event.