De-accessioning in Stephen Gladstone Hall, 2022

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Want to read our original blog post about this project? Click here:

Gladstone’s Library is restarting its Stephen Gladstone Hall deaccessioning project, which began in 2019. The first review of the Library’s collections for a decade, the first stage (2019-20) saw many books rehomed to other significant research libraries, research projects, or active scholars. The Covid-19 pandemic halted the project but we are now in a position to begin again.

As our initial blog post explained, all titles listed to be de-accessioned are subject to rigorous checks by the Reading Room team. They are then publicly listed as a request list, which you can find here:

If you’re an active researcher, library, archive, museum or similar, please email [email protected] to make your request. Titles are free but you must cover collection or postage.

Why do we do it this way? Because we’re a charitable institution whose aims and objectives are to make books available to the public. Our first priority is that our collection items remain publicly accessible.

If titles are not requested, they are disposed of via multiple routes, including booksellers and creative projects. Gladstone’s Library is committed to ethical deaccessioning and disposal and we have liaised with multiple libraries and library professionals throughout this project.

If you think you have material stored in Stephen Gladstone Hall and would like to request its return, please email [email protected].