Policies, Guides & Information

Reviews and Projects

Annual Review 2018

Annual Review 2023 - coming soon in May 2024

Stephen Gladstone Hall Project 2019-2021 

De-accessioning list:

After a very successful six months in 2019 where we offered volumes from classmarks B, F, and U for free re-homing to other collections and members of the public, we are currently processing subsequent classmarks in Stephen Gladstone Hall; should titles become available for re-homing, we will advertise them here. If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected], detailing the areas in which you are interested. Please note that as a registered charity we prioritise any individual or organisation who will keep the titles publicly accessible.

We are also reviewing our holdings of the The Journal of Medical Ethics and the The International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology (please note that we are only considering disposing of duplicate copies). If you are interested in any copies that we hold, please email the address given above.


Please note that these policies relate to the Reading Rooms only and not the wider Gladstone's Library

Mission Statement: Library Services at Gladstone’s Library (4.1.1)

Mission Statement: Archive Services at Gladstone’s Library (4.1.2)

Collections Development Policy: Circulating Collection (4.3.1, revised March 2024)

Digitisation Policy (4.3.1)

De-Accessioning and Disposal Policy (4.3.2)

Donation Policy (4.3.3)

Access Policy (4.4)

Late Night Working Policy (4.4.1)

Preservation and Conservation Policy (4.6)

Outreach and Public Engagement Policy (4.7)

Communications Policy (4.8)

Customer Care Standards (4.9)

Copying Policy (4.10)

Digital Preservation Policy (4.11)

Volunteering Policy (4.13)


Reading Room Regulations

Archives and Special Collections Regulations and Handling Guidelines

Guides and Information

Information on Catalogues and Classmarks

Classmark List (updated February 2023)

Guides to Volunteering

The guides to the Reading Room volunteer teams are here. If you would like to apply for any volunteer roles, please see our volunteering FAQ.

Conservation Volunteer Role Description

Archives Volunteer Role Description

Foundation Volunteer Role Description

Food for Thought

Food for thought

Gift Vouchers