Reading Room Information

Opening Times

In order to protect our users and ensure that the collection is kept secure, entry to the Reading Rooms is for Residents, Readers only. If you're thinking about a one-off visit, please email [email protected] and ask about our Researcher pass.

Theology Room

Daily 9am-10pm

Other collections spaces (including the History Room) and Enquiry desk

Daily 9am-5pm

Archives and special collections viewings

Monday-Friday, 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-4.30pm

Reading Room Regulations

For the safety of people and collection items, all Readers and Residents agree to observe the Reading Room Regulations and the Late Night Working Regulations. Both are emailed to Readers when their application is processed, and Residents when they book.

Click here for the Policies, Guides & Information page where you will find the latest versions of both regulations.

Food for Thought

Food for thought

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