Gary Butler talks 19th century Book Illustration at The Leeds Library

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Organised by the Association of Independent Libraries (AIL), on Friday 15th April, 2016, a seminar will be held at The Leeds Library examining the different aspects of book illustration exemplified by collections housed in some of the country's best independent libraries.

Libraries involved include The Leeds Library and Manchester's Portico Library, as well as Gladstone's Library, represented by Library Assistant Gary Butler.

Gary's paper will focus on the visualisation of science in nineteenth century literature, specifically that found in the books of William Gladstone. Gladstone formed a library of all branches of knowledge. The talk will use his collection of scientific books to think about the ways that science was visualised, placing the production of scientific images in their cultural, historical and visual context and drawing on scholarship in book history, visual studies and the history of science.

The seminar runs from 10.30am - 2pm on Friday, 15th April. Tickets are priced at £12 which includes lunch and tea / coffee.

To book, please contact The Leeds Library on 0113 245 3071 or [email protected].