A Christmas Message from the Warden

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Dear Friends, Readers and Supporters,

As the year draws to a close and I look back over the past 12 months the two words that come to mind are hope and joy. That is not to say that there have not been challenges this year - leaky roofs, wobbly drains, cracks appearing where there should not be cracks and all the usual ups and downs of life at the Library! 

But alongside this there has been so much joy – so much to give thanks for – a team of colleagues who work tirelessly, laugh a lot and care for guests as if they were their own family. Trustees who give of their time and expertise with a spirit of real generosity and passion for this amazing, unique place. And of course, you, our loyal Friends, Readers and Supporters – all of you who come and use the Library for study, reflection, rest, silence and conversation. A huge thank you for all your encouragement and financial support - it has and does make a real difference.

Looking to the future, there is a real sense of hope here at the Library. Our new project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and led by the Engagement and Learning Officers, has meant that over 300 young people have engaged with the Library in 2024 – more than we could ever have imagined. The conversation I joined was so enriching, challenging and most of all gave me such hope for the future.

These are young people who care passionately for the world and want to be part of the really complex and sensitive conversations that are taking place locally, nationally and internationally – against a backdrop of war and political upheaval. Surely this is something that Gladstone, a man who wanted to deal in careful conversation and not soundbites, hoped would take place here. 

For me, the message of the birth of the Christ-child is also one of joy and hope – and so, however you choose to mark Christmas, I pray that these are very much part of your celebrations.

From us all at Gladstone’s Library, may we wish you a happy Christmas, and a peaceful new year. We look forward to being in touch with you all in 2025.


Andrea Russell, Warden of Gladstone's Library